Infographics and diagrams to accompany and clarify text
Illustrations to accompany print
Lettering experiments and book cover designs
A popsicle truck covered in popsicle-shaped-infographics about solar energy
Infographics + diagrams about the travel/sharing company's growth
Geographical facts—from an illustration point of view
A manually-spun, paper record player wedding invitation
Logos, colors, and shapes that create a visual shorthand for a non-visual-something
Design and production work for the orchestra's 2012 season
An illustrated handkerchief way-finding map with a letterpressed band
Poking a hole through the internet to show that every idea comes from somewhere else
Small-scale illustrations of places
Visual identity for a feature-length music video, set in New York City
Bookplates and wall text for the American Museum of Natural History Library
Hundreds of graphics showcasing Airbnb's property listings (and travel-enthusiasm!)
Visual things to accompany Jeff Mangum's 2011-12 performance dates
A multiple-choice card for a band and autobiographical geography for a wedding
Activism: a fake newspaper portraying a utopian future, enabled by civic engagement
DVD packaging + a website with video backgrounds Dig for Fire
Pencil drawings (+/- the computer)
Paper is capable of doing some pretty cool things (with a little intervention)
An investment fund with a social mission and a website with tiny bikes
A slightly snarky fortune-telling object for distribution during Armory week for 20x200
A photographic struggle with uncooperative objects
More recent work can be seen on the blog at this time. (I realize that there are several things wrong with that statement…)°
Write-ups on the things I've made, interviews, and instances where my writing has been published. (Incomplete/Work-in-progess) °
Videos of talks and interviews. Making things or just talking about making things…°