Solar Power Pops

I just designed a bright orange popsicle truck that evangelizes solar energy. It is actually a popsicle truck covered in popsicle-shaped-infographics about solar energy that distributes free popsicles! The multitasking contraption also runs off of solar energy when stopped, effectively demonstrating how solar can power the activity of a bustling kitchen. This fun project, lead by Jason Anello, is going to roll towns wherein this solar power company... Read More

Mural from Engravings

I managed to squeeze in a [relatively] quick personal project/experiment over the past few weeks, combining an interest of mine (rare books) and a domestic void (a blank makeshift wall in the apartment.) Squinting at a master engraver’s work ranks highly on my shortlist of nerdy thrills. These little treasures are hidden within bound volumes of browning paper, filed away in stacks on accordion shelving, and cloistered within guardian institutions—it... Read More

Sxsw Posters, etcetera

I sadly missed all of the new music at SxSW (again), but appeared there in spirit via some design goods.  I created posters, banners, stencils, hand fans (who knew?), and postcards listing Dig for Fire’s showcase this year.  You can experience the showcase vicariously through the videos filmed last week—which appear on the front page of YouTube (!) for the next day or so—or here any time thereafter. The posters were super-fun to design... Read More

Buy art? Prognosticator

Art fair season has descended upon NYC. In attendance will be collectors, gallerists, artists and art fans galore. Ocular stimulation—the good and the bad—will ensue. This annual ritual is great because it conveniently brings together a ton of new art (excitement!), but it also ends up being very trying at the same time. Walking through the fairs, you can really feel the money in everything: from the hierarchy implicit in the way art is hung,... Read More

Tiny colorful buildings

Drawing little brightly-colored buildings is one of my favorite ways to pass the time.  (It is the closest that I will ever get to being an architect.)  This obsession first got a platform when working on the hankerchief-map wedding invite and I’ve been able to revisit this indulgence lately while designing packaging, infographics, and stickers for Airbnb. Airbnb (an internet company that allows people to rent space/lodging to travelers)... Read More

Girl Walk Poster

Girl Walk // All Day A few days after placing his film-to-be on funding site Kickstarter, my friend Jacob approached me to to create some static visual elements for his project about movement.  Already immensely popular and not even 100% shot yet, Girl Walk, follows freestyle dancer Anne Marsen as she charmingly contorts her way across NYC set to the new album by Girl Talk.  The film tells a simple story of Anne’s relationships and exploits... Read More

Collaborative Fund is up!

It has been very project-y around here lately! One of these projects just went live, and I wanted to do a quick, predominantly visual post about it. It’s for a new company called  Collaborative Fund. Although the fund is an amalgamation of several people’s ideas, it is really Craig Shapiro’s project. Craig recently stepped down as president of GOOD magazine in order to start a monetary fund to assist for-profit companies with a social... Read More

New Client Work .:. Nov.

In my maiden post, one of the reasons cited for creating the blog was to keep myself accountable to my self-initiated projects.  But sometimes (like this entire November for example), opportunities present themselves that are too good to pass up.  This past month, I have been working with two start-up companies that I admire. Each is idealistic and socially-responsible in a small way:  20×200 makes buying real art affordable for the internet... Read More

Making the Handkermap

Wow, I am so pleased with how this project turned out. (You can check out the final product on my site here.) “Go team!” may be the appropriate emphatic expression here, as this was a truly collaborative effort with Youngna and Jacob. We share similar sensibilities, so we were able to take the kernel of the idea and rapidly evolve it. All of the time saved could therefore be allotted to design work (K) and production work (Y+J) and letterpressing... Read More

amfAR Map+Slideshows

Last week, I finished up an interactive annual report for the AIDS research non-profit, amfAR. You can check it out here. They have an amazing track record for funding successful scientific research and efficacious community outreach work. Their work also happens to frequently be difficult to explain/understand quickly (as is often the case with actual science…) So showcasing the year’s accomplishments for the general public is a bit tricky. Last... Read More